Scholarships for Educational Excellence Foundation

About Us


SEEF is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation
Tax IEN 80-0298566
Take credit!  Make a donation today and help a child tomorrow! We have hundreds of deserving applicants waiting for a better education.  Please choose SEEF as your designated STO this year!

Your donation may also qualify as a charitable donation on your federal tax form.  Families may not swap donations.  Recommendations of a specific child or school are not guarantees of scholarships.  Recommendations may also void federal deduction status but not state tax credits.

Who We Are

More than 90% of all dollars donated go directly to fund scholarships for children to attend quality private schools in Arizona.  SEEF is run by volunteers and has no paid employees so most of your donation goes directly to support the education of needy children. 

What We Do

Scholarships for Educational Excellence Foundation is committed to promoting quality education for needy students in Arizona who wish to attend private schools.  We have no paid employees; all board members are volunteers.  Our goal is to channel your donations directly to children awaiting funding.  By helping students reach their full potential, we not only insure the future success of individuals, but create a brighter future for society as a whole. Thank you for supporting quality education!


When you make a donation, everyone wins!  You receive the money back dollar for dollar on your state income tax up to the amount of your liability, and children receive a quality education insuring the children of today will be qualified to be the leaders of tomorrow!

Need a Scholarship?

Need a scholarship?  We are here to help!  Fill out the easy application and hit submit. SEEF welcomes any students attending qualified schools to apply for scholarship assistance.  SEEF awards scholarships to students in K-12 grades.

Spread the Word!

Help us help others!  Spread the word about our program.  What a great way to make a positive impact on our world without leaving your home.  Thank you for your support!

          Original Scholarhips

You may donate up to $731 for a single taxpayer or $1459 for a married couple and also donate to the switcher/plus funding

Switcher/Plus Scholarships

After donating the maximum amount to the original individual scholarship program, you may also donate an additional $728 as a single taxpayer or $1451 as a married couple to the Switcher/Plus scholarship program.

Total You Can Donate

$1459 single taxpayer
$2910 married taxpayer

Extended Deadline!

Make your donation by April 15, 2024 and claim it on your 2023 taxes!

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire"
~William Butler Yeats

“I have tried other products, but this one is certainly the best. It brings efficiency to a new level of simplicity.”
SEEF was founded in 2009 and has impacted hundreds of students' lives with YOUR help!
“This is the best company I have ever worked with. I’ll definitely choose them again, and highly recommend them.”
SEEF Original Scholarship Program:  Original scholarships paid during FY2023-2024 to students eligible for free or reduced price lunches (family income up to 185% of the poverty level) $26099. Amount as a percentage of total original scholarships paid 28.6%. Original scholarships paid during FY2023/2024  to students whose family income exceeds the threshold for free or reduced rice lunches but does not exceed  eligibility requirements of income greater than 185% of poverty level but less than 342.24% of poverty level is $32013.56.  Amount as a percentage of total original scholarships paid 35.09%.  Total of funds to those under the poverty level of 342.25% is 75%. Total original donations received $91245.56.
SEEF Switcher/Plus scholarship Program:  Switcher/Plus scholarships paid during the FY2023/2024 to students eligible for free or reduced price lunches (family income up to 185% of the poverty level) $16851  Amount as a percentage of total switcher/plus paid 28.58%.  Switcher/Plus scholarships paid during FY2023/2024 to students whose family income exceeds the threshold for free or reduce price lunches but does not exceed eligibility requirements (family income great than 185% of poverty level and less than 342.25% of poverty level) is $17551.50  Amount as a percentage of the whole is 29.77%. Total of funds to those under the poverty level of 342.25% is 56.35%.  Total switcher donations received $58954.50.
Over 90% of funds donated to SEEF go directly to student tuitions.  Less than 10% is used for operating expenses.  SEEF is run by volunteers and there are NO paid employees.
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.  ~ Nelson Mandela
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